Thursday, December 23, 2010


Heb 4:9-11 So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God,  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. ESV
Heb 4:10-11 God himself is at rest. And at the end of the journey we'll surely rest with God. So let's keep at it and eventually arrive at the place of rest, not drop out through some sort of disobedience. THE MESSAGE
A.B. Simpson wrote these stirring words:
Once my hands were always trying; trying hard to do my best; now my heart is sweetly trusting, and my soul is all at rest.
Once my brain was always planning, and my heart, with cares oppressed;
Now I trust the Lord to lead me, and my life is all at rest.
Once my life was full of effort, now 'tis full of joy and zest; since I took His yoke upon me, Jesus gives to me His rest.
When people are around you, do they feel at ease? Do people feel the peace and rest you exude, or do they feel the unrest you project?  
Being peaceful is a challenge to most of us. Everything in life screams for our attention.  Work and the “almighty buck” compete for our time.
When you hear the song Silent Night, Holy Night, can you feel the quietness and the rest? Do you long to experience it? I think you and I need some rest today. 
During this time of year, it is especially important to rest. When I say “rest” it is not always in activity, though that is important as well, it is keeping a devotional time with God.  It is doing things that produce rest.  Trying to rest may be the hardest work you will do! The Bible says in Heb 4:11 {KJV} Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest…!
It is God’s command that we rest, so we should not ignore it. He knows what is best for us. We cannot break the principle of rest without paying the price of disobedience. A lot of us might find it strange that God thinks it is disobedient not to rest.  Sure, God wants us to work, but he also wants us to stop working.
In fact, what Hebrews is speaking of is a restful-labor.  Well we have ceased from our religious works. We have stopped trying to get in heaven by our own efforts and are resting in God’s grace.  We are resting in God’s works.  What do I mean?  Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. NIV
Titus 3:5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, NIV
Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, NIV
God did the work so be at rest!  Jesus does on the cross to save you, so stop trying to save yourself.  What because we know we are already approved and accepted by God. 
You’ll work better! When you are at peace people can feel it.
Without being too technical, Hebrews 4 uses two words in the Greek language for rest. One is Sabbatismos , the other katapausin.  You do not have to be a Greek scholar to see that contained in the first word, is the word “Sabbath” {rest every seven days}. Amusingly, contained in the next word is the word “pause.”  They are different but are connected.
Basically katapausin or rest is actually “a place of rest.”  Most scholars feel like this is descriptive of heaven.   Sabbath is what you experience when you go to heaven.  Pause, repose, relaxation and ultimately peace are what you experience in heaven.  So one word is the place where you are resting. The other word is the “rest” you’re experiencing when you get there.
Have you ever heard the expression “she is in a good place?”  We say that about someone that has gone through stuff and is much better than she was before. You have to be in a “place” of peace and rest to “experience” peace and rest. 
You say, “Heaven is great, but I need peace now!”  God wants us to have a little heaven on earth. He wants us to have a place of rest, a place where you put your feet up, repose, pause, reflect and relax.”   
Do you have a place you can go physically and spiritually where you can rest?  Look at it this way:  If your house is your place of rest, do you actually experience rest there?  I’m not asking you to be a monk, but there are times when you need to get away from it all. It is not necessarily a vacation either because we are busier on vacation than at our place of employment.
No, it is a place where you can sit and look at a lake, maybe some mountains by yourself. Pull up in your car put some soft worship music on and pray.  Maybe you just need to put some music on and sleep. Be creative about your place of rest and you will be a better, more peaceful person.
Find time to be still on a regular basis. It is in moments of rest that you are most likely to hear God speak to you.
Lastly, remember no matter what you do, my friend, there is no real rest outside of God. 
Ps 62:1My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
Ps 62:5 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
Ps 116:7 Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.
Mt 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Get right with God, confess you sins and be at peace with yourself and with one another. 

Pastor Mike

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Focus on the Father: Dad wants you to have the very best.

During the Christmas season let’s not forget the great gift the Father in heaven gave us when he sent his only Son.    It was his will and he wanted to do it. The bible says it this way, in Romans 8:32-33, “ He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all — how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? NIV

He said he’s give us the best

Isaiah 60:17 I’ll give you only the best — no more hand-me-downs! Gold instead of bronze, silver instead of iron, bronze instead of wood, iron instead of stones. I'll install Peace to run your country, make Righteousness your boss.
Luke 12:29-32 "What I'm trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God's giving.  People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.  Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.  Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.

God wants to give us the best and he expects the best from us. But how can we give our best if we do not believe that God has given us his best?   You need to see everything in your life though a lens of love. That God is doing his very best for us.  If you feel like God is holding out on you tend to look at his commands as limitation instead of a chance to give the best back to him.   Ps 37:3-6 says, “Get insurance with God and do a good deed, settle down and stick to your last.  Keep company with God, get in on the best.  Open up before God, keep nothing back; he’ll do whatever needs to be done:  He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.”

Embrace the best Rom 12:1 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

Think about the best Phil 4:8-9  Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

False perceptions of God?

“One of the main reasons people hold false perceptions of God is our tendency to project onto God the unloving characteristics of the people we look up to. We tend to believe that God is going to treat us as other do.: We like to think that we develop our image of God from the Bible and teachings of the church, not from our relationships—some of which have been painful. It’s easier if our God image is simply based on learning and believing the right things. Yet, intensive clinical studies on the development of peoples’ images of God show that it is not so simple. One psychologist found that this spiritual development of the God image is more of an emotional process than an intellectual one.

People bring out the importance of family and other relationships to the development of one’s “private God.” “No child arrives at the ‘house of God’ without his pet God under his arm.” And for some of us the “pet God” we have tied on a leash to our hearts is not very nice, nor is it biblically accurate. This is because our negative images of God are often rooted in our emotional hurts and destructive patterns of relating to people that we carry with us from our past.

Imagine a little girl of seven who has known only rejection and abuse from her father whom she loves dearly. At Sunday School she is taught that God is her heavenly Father. What is her perception of Him going to be? Based on her experience with her natural father, she will see God as an unstable, rejecting, abusing person she cannot trust. Consider just a few ways in which your image of your father possibly may have affected your perception of God, which in turn affects your self-image.

If your father was distant, impersonal and uncaring, and he wouldn’t intervene for you, you may see God as having the same characteristics.  As a result, you feel that you are unworthy of God’s intervention in your life. You find it difficult to draw close to God because you see Him as disinterested in your need and wants.

If your father was a pushy man who was inconsiderate of you, or who violated and used you, you may see God in the same way. You probably feel cheap or worthless in God’s eyes, and perhaps feel that you deserve to be taken advantage of by others. You may feel that God will force you—not ask you—to do things you don’t want to do.

If your father was like a drill sergeant, demanding more and more from you with no expression of satisfaction, or burning with anger with no tolerance for mistakes, you may have cast God in his image. You likely feel that God will not accept you unless you meet His demands, which seem unattainable. This perception may have driven you to become a perfectionist.

If your father was a weakling, and you couldn’t depend on him to help you or defend you, your image of God may be that of a weakling. You may feel that you are unworthy of God’s comfort and support, or that He is unable to help you.

If your father was overly critical and constantly came down hard on you, or if he didn’t believe in you or your capabilities and discouraged you from trying, you may perceive God in the same way. You don’t feel as if you’re worth God’s respect or trust. You may even see yourself as a continual failure, deserving all the criticism you receive.

But I want you to know today God as the best at patience. He is patient and available for you. You are worth God’s time and concern. You are important to God and He is personally involved in every aspect of your life.

God is the best at kindness. He is acting kindly and graciously on your behalf.  You are worth God’s help and intervention. God’s loves you deeply be convinced that He wants to relate to you personally.

You Heavenly father accepts you, God accepts you regardless of what you do. God doesn’t dump on you or reject you when you struggle, but understands and encourages you. Accept yourself even when you blow it or don’t perform up to your potential.
Your Heavenly father is the best protector, God protects you in life. You are worthy of being under His care and you rest in His security.

Your heavenly father is giving. The Best giver! He gives to you and supports you. You feel are worth God’s support and encouragement. God will give you what is best for you, and you respond by giving of yourself to others.

By the power of the Holy Spirit today I want you to know that the God who expects the best I the God that gives his best. He can transform not only your life by the image you have of him. To believe that God’s want to give you his best, you must believe He is the best!  As you look at the best, as you hang with the best you see he is the best and will produce the best in you.

God is the best

Ps 95:1-6   Come, let's shout praises to God, raise the roof for the Rock who saved us!  Let's march into his presence singing praises, lifting the rafters with our hymns! And why? Because God is the best, High King over all the gods.  In one hand he holds deep caves and caverns, in the other hand grasps the high mountains.  He made Ocean — he owns it!  His hands sculpted Earth!  So come, let us worship: bow before him, on your knees before God, who made us! Oh yes, he's our God, and we're the people he pastures, the flock he feeds.

2 Chron 2:5 "The house I am building has to be the best, for our God is the best, far better than competing gods.
Ps 21:7 Is it any wonder the king loves God? that he's sticking with the Best?
Ps 34:8-10 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see — how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.  Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness. Young lions on the prowl get hungry, but God-seekers are full of God

He always gives the best

The Best Robe…happen when you come home Luke 15:22-24 "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.  NIV

The Best Wine…happens when you run out of the cheap stuff. John 2:10 Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."

The best still happens in the midst of trials Psalm 91:1-15 You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, 2 Say this: "GOD, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" 3 That's right — he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. 4 His huge outstretched arms protect you — under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. 5 Fear nothing — not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, 6 Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. 7 Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. 8 You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance, watch the wicked turn into corpses. 9 Yes, because God’s your refuge, the High God your very own home, 10 Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. 11 He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. 12 If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling. 13 You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path. 14 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says GOD,” I’ll get you out of any trouble. I’ll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. 15 Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I’ll rescue you, and then throw you a party. 16 I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"

The Best Training…”The best training is to learn to accept everything as it comes, as from Him whom our soul loves. The tests are always unexpected things, not great things that can be written up, but the common little rubs of life, silly little nothings, and things you are ashamed of minding (at all). Yet they can knock a strong man over and lay him very low.”
Amy Carmichael in Candles in the Dark
Give God your best! Prov 3:9-10 Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over.  Don’t give the best God, who give the best… just the rest  No leftovers! The poet said:

Leftovers are such humble things,
We would not serve to a guest,
And yet we serve them to our Lord
Who deserve the very best.
We give to Him leftover time,
Stray minutes here and there.
Leftover cash we give to Him,
Such few coins as we can spare.
We give our youth unto the world,
To hatred, lust and strife;
Then in declining years we give
To him the remnant of our life.
- Source unknown

This Christmas receive from God the best so you can give the best to him.

Pastor Mike

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bringing Sexy Back?

1 Co 6:9-20 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.  "Everything is permissible for me"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"-but I will not be mastered by anything.  "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"-but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.  By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.  Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!  Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."   But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.  Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Justin Timberlake sings we should “bring sexy back.” I do not think the subject of sex has ever left. Our society is consumed with it. Sex sells!  Sex would not be an issue if it did not feel good and wasn’t so stimulating. 
I am not a prude. You also know this is not typically my modus operandi.  I am usually positive and love to talk about other subjects more. But I have felt to address this because of the sadness of how people live  overwhelms me at times.
Those of you who really know me and my relationship with my wife know we enjoy each other and are very healthy when it concerns intimacy.  We think sex is a wonderful and enjoyable experience.
 It is a gift from God for married couples to engage in. I do not believe it is just for pro-creation {having kids} but for fun, confirmation of love and acceptance.   Not only this, sex is one of the chief reasons for marriage {see 1 Corinthians 7:1 -7}.  Paul teaches marriage is not just for happiness, it is for holiness.  We are to be married to keep from immorality. Consequently, it is so wonderful and powerful it can only be done safely in the context of marriage.   That is the only safe sex. Heb 13:4-5, says “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” NIV
You say, “Well, if God made us that way, is he tempting or tormenting me.” Is he holding out a cookie and then taking it away? No, just because there is food does not mean we have to eat it all. 
James 1:13-15 Don't let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, "God is trying to trip me up." God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one's way.  The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust.  Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer.  THE MESSAGE:
You see, God loves us and wants us to live the best life we can.  He does not want us to be unhappy! God knows that sex without commitment is a one-way street to misery. He knows how our bodies operate well. He knows what will affect our minds and our spirits.  Read the owner’s manual in your car. You will see that it tells you to change the oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.  You can say, “Ah, that is oppressive. I’ll do what I want anyway.” But eventually, no matter how you feel your car will break down.
Can I be straight with you?  What planet are we living on anyway?   Can’t you take a look around and see what unbridled sex has done to our world. Can’t you see the breakup and destruction of marriages, families, businesses, ministries and even churches, how people have lost their life savings, children and people they loved, the mental and emotional holocaust it has caused?  Child porn is a 4-6 billion dollar business.  Priests are molesting ,children and there is hardly a month where the news does not report a rape that’s ended in murder.
30 million men watch pornography ever month.  With a 55 percent divorce rate and the poverty, sickness and psychological  injury it all causes, can you see why God said when and how to have sex?  He is not limiting us, he is saving us. Immorality destroys the image of marriage, sex, family and overall commitment.  People think that living together before marriage helps them, but every statistics says it makes their opportunity for a happy, healthy marriage almost impossible.  You have taught your partner one thing, you can enjoy me with no commitment. Then when he or she moves on to the next person, why are you’re surprised?
Presently the craziness of the sexy generation has gone ballistic.  People identify themselves by their sexual orientation.  What’s wrong with that picture?  Since when has sex become what identifies us as people? What happened to being identified by character?  Why do we live as if our choices have no penalty, as if there is no judgment day when we will face Christ for what we have done?
There are people who have lost everything for immorality… But that will never happen to you? You are deceiving yourself.
I am may be the best friend you have today, if you listen to me!
I know people are at different stages of their walk with God, so if you are brand new to this, I have much compassion for you, and I am not here to hurt or condemn you.   I know you love the truth.
Lately, I have been approached and confronted with this subject several times by different people in my life.  I am not without understanding on this subject. I say this in much humility and pain, but I am a man too. I have been subject to these perplexing sins just like any other person.  It is painful and sad how tritely we have treated this subject. But I refuse to justify it.  For some of you this may be the first time you have ever had a pastor mention the subject or at least explain it.  None of us can be perfect, but that is hardly a justification for evil. Playing with dynamite, no matter what our motives, cannot end well.
The scriptures teach us a few startling things about immorality.  First, you cannot inherit the kingdom and be engaged in this lifestyle.  Second, that sex causes a spiritual union that will make you spiritually associated with that person.  After you read the definitions below, that statement will be clearer to you. Thirdly, that when you engage in immorality, you are sinning against your body.  It is funny with all the organic foods, supplements and care for the body there is in our generation people do not realize this. We get in shape to have “sexy abs” and “buns of steel” not realizing we might as well have cake all day or live in a leper colony.[i] 
Shockingly, there are around 50 different STD’s. posits, “Most people who have an STD are unaware of their infection and contagious state. This should especially alarm young people, because of the 19,000,000 new STD infections each year, nearly half of them are among people between the ages of 15 and 24.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, the direct medical costs associated with STDs in the United States is $14.1 billion each year.
Recently a high school girl contacted me because she was considering sleeping with her boyfriend. She was a virgin, but he had been with eleven girls. If his previous partners were as sexually active as he had been (and depending on the types of STDs), she could be exposing herself to the possible infections of more than two thousand people if she slept with him once.”
[ii]Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness
Obviously, we live in a day when moral standards have deteriorated. Things that were considered sinful and shameful one generation ago are now practiced in a widespread manner throughout the world and even among God’s people.  Rather than acknowledge their sin and repent, people try to justify their actions as they can continue in their deeds. But no matter how painstakingly we may try to dress up sin, God still sees it as sin, and sin caused the death of his Son Jesus on a cruel cross. God hates sin because of that reason and above all his holy nature.
If I just gave you my personal commentary, it carries little meaning. So let’s see what God’s word has to say on the subject. I will talk about these words purely from the viewpoint of their linguistic meaning. I believe the Greek definitions of these words in themselves will speak loudly enough for you to get the point. After reading these definitions, please take a few minutes to examine your own view of such actions. Determine if you see them as God sees them, or if you have been affected by a generation that has grown numb to the consequences of sin.
Adultery and Fornication:
When Paul begins his list of the works of the flesh, he begins with the sexual sins of adultery, fornication, and uncleanness. The word "adultery" and "fornication" both come from the same Greek word—the word porneia. This word includes all sexual activity outside of marriage—including both adultery and homosexuality.
When referring to a woman who has committed adultery, the New Testament used the word pornos. This is the word for a prostitute, and it very vividly informs us that a woman who has committed adultery has prostituted herself. She may not have sold herself for money; perhaps she traded her heart, her body, or her emotions for romance, for emotional support, or for a variety of other things. But regardless of why she did it, God says she has sold herself and entered into the sin of prostitution.
Don't deceive yourself into thinking that this term refers only to a professional prostitute who walks the streets at night or who works in an escort service. This word pornos describes any woman who has committed adultery. It leaves no room for doubt that in God's view a woman who commits adultery has fallen into the sin of prostitution. She is a prostitute. One may try to give a myriad of reasons or excuses to explain why the illicit relationship occurred, but the fact is, God views such a relationship as an act of prostitution.
When referring to a man who has committed adultery, the word porneia depicts a man who has had sexual intercourse with a prostitute. Although his emotions may try to tell him that he has found the sweetheart of his dreams, the Greek word porneia means he has slept with a prostitute. A person may try as hard as he can to put a different light on this subject, but this is how God sees it. Whenever a man has sexual relations with a woman who is not his wife, God says his action is equivalent to seeking a prostitute for a cheap and dirty thrill. There is nothing sexy about prostitution, especially based on the stats of how much sex she or he has had with how many. You are not only  putting your spiritual life in danger, but your physical life as well.
I must point out that the word pornography comes from this same Greek word. In fact, pornography is from the Greek word pornos (the same word used above for an adulteress or a prostitute) and from the word grapho, which means to write. Thus, pornography refers to the writings or reflections about prostitution. This means that when an individual meditates on the writings or the photography contained in pornography, it is the equivalent of committing mental prostitution. Such a definition sheds new light on what Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. NIV
What I have shared with you thus far today is not my opinion; it is the actual meaning of the Greek word "adultery" that is used throughout the New Testament. So how does this affect your view of someone who has committed adultery? If you have committed adultery, how does this affect your view of what you have done? And how does this affect your view of pornography?
If you are reading the King James Version of the New Testament, the next word in the works of the flesh is "fornication” which means just premarital sex. However, this word does not appear in this text in the original Greek; it speaks only of porneia, the word discussed above, which includes all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage. In Greek, the next point that Paul lists is "uncleanness."
The word "uncleanness" is the Greek word akatharsia, which is the word kathairo with the prefix a added. The word kathairo means cleansed or pure, but when the a is added to it the condition is reversed, making the object dirty or unclean. In the New Testament, this word refers to lewd or unclean thoughts that eventually produce lewd or unclean actions. As it is used in the Gospels and Paul's epistles, it strongly suggests that these actions begin in the mind as unclean thoughts before they manifest as unclean deeds.
Mark 1:23 says, "And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit...." The Greek actually says that this man was "gripped by the control of an unclean spirit." It seems this man had pondered on lewd thoughts for so long that he had thrown open the door for these thoughts to seize and control him, so that eventually he found himself  "in the clutch" of an unclean spirit. Although the text doesn't explicitly say it, the usage of the word akatharsia makes one wonder whether or not this demon found entrance into this man's life because he allowed his mind to dwell on things that were forbidden. Had he committed mental prostitution to such an extent that it opened the door for him to be completely controlled by spirits of uncleanness? The Bible doesn't say exactly so, but the usage of the word akatharsia definitely makes this a possibility.
In Mark 5:2, we find another example of a man with an unclean spirit. It says, "And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit." The word "unclean" is also the word akatharsia. Just as Mark 1:23 depicted the man in the synagogue as being "gripped by the control of an unclean spirit," this word could be translated exactly the same way in this verse. In the first five chapters of Mark, we thus have two very demonized individuals whose demon-possessed condition seems to have begun with impure, lewd, dirty thoughts, since this is exactly what the Greek word akatharsia means that is used in both texts. Did Satan lure them into the pornography of unclean ideas or into adultery, and then build a stronghold of uncleanness so robust in their minds that he was able to eventually cause unclean actions to be manifested in their lives and thus completely control them?
Never forget that Paul told us, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey..." (Romans 6:16). Whatever you give your mind to will eventually be your master. Was this the case with these two demon-possessed men in Mark 1:23 and Mark 5:2? I am not stating it emphatically, but the Greek suggests this very strongly However, it should certainly make us want to take charge of our thought life and not allow uncleanness to have any place in our minds!
As Paul continues listing the works of the flesh, he next mentions "lasciviousness." This strange word comes from the Greek word aselgeia. This Greek word describes excess, but it primarily refers to the excessive consumption of food or wild, undisciplined living that is especially marked by unbridled sex. The word aselgeia is listed as the principal sin of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (see 2 Peter 2:6) and the reason that God overthrew them.
It must be noted again that the word aselgeia also refers to the excessive consumption of food. This means that in God's mind, it is just as perverted to overindulge in food as it is to engage in sinful sexual activities! So how does this make you feel about overeating? Now it is not talking about people who are fat in general or about metabolism.  This is binge eating. In fact, in ancient time they would eat so much and then regurgitate and then eat and regurgitate, sometime for days on end.  That may be reprehensible to you, but it is the picture God wants in our mind about unbridled sex.
All of the works of the flesh can be forgiven—but before forgiveness comes, sin must be acknowledged. This is why we must understand exactly what these words mean. Once sin is comprehended, it can then be repented of and confessed. This is God's requirement.
If you have fallen into any of these works of the flesh, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see these sins as He sees them. Once you get a revelation of His perspective, you won't want to be the same! You'll understand the grossness of sin in God's sight, and you will want to be changed!
Once you confess your sin, God will forgive you and you can move on with your life. If your actions have violated your spouse or anyone else, pray for God's mighty grace to be upon them to forgive you. Then begin to take whatever steps are necessary to make that relationship healthier than ever before.
Dear friend, God is with you, and He wants to change your life. Open your heart and let the Holy Spirit be your Helper. He wants to help you get clean, get free, and become morally strong and stable. With His help, you can do it!
Lord, I thank You for opening my eyes to the truth about how You see these works of the flesh. Forgive me for being too tolerant of these areas in my life. Help me to see these fleshly works the way You see them and to detest them as much as You detest them. Teach me to hate sin! Show me how to say no to ungodliness and to yield my mind and my body as instruments of righteousness. After what You have shown me today, I never want to be the same! I pray this in Jesus' name!
I confess that I think clean thoughts and that I don't allow the devil to mess with my mind. My mind belongs to Jesus. It is filled with the Word of God. That Word renews my mind to think God's thoughts; therefore, Satan has no entrance into my mind or emotions to deceive me with thoughts of sin. I crucify my flesh, and I bring my body under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I am no longer the servant of sin—I am the servant of righteousness! I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!

Mk 8:34-38 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.  What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?  Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?  If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels." NIV
Please, know that I love you and am here for you.  No matter what you have done, God wants to forgive you! 
1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. NIV
1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense — Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. NIV
Ps 130:3-4 If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?  But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. NIV
Pastor Mike

[ii] Sparkling Gems from the Greek, Rick Renner, edited

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Pastor Mike Gibney New Gathering {New Jersey} Life Connections {PA} 908-688-3331-NJ 484-505-0991 PA Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information intended for the use of the designated recipients named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication in error and that any review, disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of it or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify me immediately by replying to this message and deleting it from your computer.

Monday, December 20, 2010

 Do you need a Pastor/Prophet?

2 Ti 4:1-5 {THE MESSAGE}… I can't impress this on you too strongly. God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don't ever quit. Just keep it simple.  You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food — catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages.  But you — keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant.

Ephesians 4:11-15 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.  Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. NIV

Am 3:3-8 Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren't going to the same place?  Does a lion roar in the forest if there's no carcass to devour? Does a young lion growl with pleasure if he hasn't caught his supper?  Does a bird fall to the ground if it hasn't been hit with a stone? Does a trap spring shut if nothing trips it?   When the alarm goes off in the city, aren't people alarmed? And when disaster strikes the city, doesn't God stand behind it?   The fact is, God, the Master, does nothing without first telling his prophets the whole story.  The lion has roared — who isn't frightened? God has spoken — what prophet can keep quiet?(from THE MESSAGE}

I am sending this email as a forerunner of tomorrow’s email. It will be very important so look for it. 

History records a remarkable account of the destruction of an ancient town.  The watchmen on the walls would call out whenever they thought they saw a foe approaching.  Sensing that the people had begun to resent them for giving these false alarms, they decided to remain quiet.  Regrettably, not long afterward, the enemy actually did come. The city that could have been saved was assaulted and devastated, and nothing was left but smoking ruins. Later someone erected a small memorial inscribed with the following epitaph: "Here stood a town that was destroyed by silence."

Jer 4:17 [It is not only the prophet but also the people who cry out in their thoughts] My anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain! Oh, the walls of my heart! My heart is disquieted and throbs aloud within me; I cannot be silent! For I have heard the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war AMP


A minister of the gospel has mainly two offices. These two are pastor and prophet.  A pastor is the advocate of the people, and the prophet is the advocate of God and these work in tandem together.  These are the offices of “Superman” under the “Clark Kent” exterior-- not to say we are supermen, but you get the illustration that underneath is a powerful driving force of the Holy Spirit and zeal for the church and God.  Every minister is human and relates to people on the outside as friend, brother and compatriot.  Most people have more affinity for the office of the pastor as leader, feeder and comforter of God’s people.  Many, though not all pastors I know, are funny and love a good joke.  They love people and love being a pastor, love their families and their life.  People like that part of a minister in his suit and big glasses working for the Daily Planet.  Here is something to consider: ministers not only carry the load that everyone else carries like, family, children, finances, and spouse and a second job.  But they can also say like Paul did “Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. “ {2 Co 11:28-29 NIV}. Pastors face what you face plus the challenges of ministry. Often the minister’s concerns are multiplied many times depending on the number of people under his care.  Still, we like that pastor because he is like us!
However, the office of prophet is often not met with the same thankfulness.  Prophets bring correction and rebuke for sin and wrongdoing. They reprimand with the goal of restoring your relationship with God that has been broken by wrongdoing.  The problem is that when a prophet appears the heart of the person is often already hardened by sin and they are, in fact, enjoying their sin or at the very least justifying their sin.   They have gotten past the bridge out signs and are heading in the wrong direction in severe spiritual danger.  They may have done it ignorantly but, “good intentions never make up for bad direction.”  You may not have meant to drive over the bridge but you did.  It makes it even worse when you were warned. The people being addressed by the prophet are often self-deceived and justifying the actions as even approved by God.  The Bible has a sobering scripture that needs to be noted here.  In this “no one is going to tell me what to do generation” a prophet is not welcomed to the party.   Jesus often rebukes the people religious leaders of his day for not respecting the prophets.

The prophet and the gift of Prophecy.

A prophet is not some mean-spirited person, who does not love you that comes to tell you off. He is someone you love and he loves you.  It is someone you know and you respect. For one moment let’s address that the “office” or function of a prophet is different than the gift of prophecy.  If you are someone who has the gift of prophecy, you are not in a place to correct anyone. The scripture states in 1 Corinthians 14:3 “But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.”  If you really operate in a gift of prophecy, you are to encourage, build up and comfort people, not correct them. It is not your place unless you are the pastor or elder of the church. We have too many unqualified people running around churches correcting them. I have heard numerous occasions where strangers walk in and correct a church they do not even know.  They always have heard from God about “how evil the church is,” but they are out of order and God does not work that way.   These are usually wandering saints.   No one knows them. They want you to let them in the pulpit to preach. They have no local church that they attend consistently. They are not grounded because; I guess no church is good enough for them. I call them “Crusimatic -Charismatic’s.”  These spiritual gypsies, {no disrespect to gypsies} they never stay in one place. I am distressed by the lack of respect for the local assembly people have. I have watched people walk in with a Shofar {rams horn} to blow in the middle of a service without even asking.   It is not only funny, it is ridiculous.   When people are out of order, they need to be told to sit down or leave.  I had one catch me off guard once, but never again. 
astor Mike, are you holding back “the Spirit” from moving? No, I am not quenching the Spirit, I am obeying him.  When it comes to worship, correction, or music the Bible says, “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” {1 Co 14:40 NIV} It is not your place to be a prophet when you are not recognized by the local assembly. God recognizes the local assembly as the highest judicial spiritual agency on the earth.  {See Mathew 18:15-19; 1 Cor 6:1-5}

The Bible teaches that we should know and respect the people that labor among us.  1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” They say,” Well, I have heard from God, it does not matter what men think.”  I don’t care about your opinion. Well, Paul says it best in 1 Co 14:36-38, it sates, “Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached?  If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command.  If he ignores this, he himself will be ignored.” NIV

What is a Pastor-Elder-Prophet?

Biblically, the office of the prophet is a recognized elder in the church.  This word elder does not always  mean older person {it can include it} alone, but spiritual maturity and more like his position.  An elder is or could be a pastor. No one should take the title of elder unless he is qualified and called by God, the church and his own elders to be one.  Timothy was a young man but was told to correct people just not an older man {1 Tim 5:1}. Paul said to “Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don't ever quit. Just keep it simple.  You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food — catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages.  But you — keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant. “

Do I need a Pastor-Prophet?

From the scripture I gave in the beginning, I want you to know that a pastor-prophet must correct, teach, and bring people into spiritual maturity. He also is commanded to speak when God speaks. Amos lists several natural reactions to several different situations.  People who walk together are in agreement. A lion roars if he has a prey. You can read it above. When God speaks, the prophet must speak.  It is only natural.  We need the pastor for guidance and growth.  We need him for accountability and authority in our life. 

Heb 13:7-8 & 17 Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God. Take a good look at the way they live, and let their faithfulness instruct you as well as their truthfulness. There should be a consistency that runs through us all….Be responsive to your pastoral leaders. Listen to their counsel. They are alert to the condition of your lives and work under the strict supervision of God. Contribute to the joy of their leadership, not its drudgery. Why would you want to make things harder for them? (from THE MESSAGE:

1 Th 5:12-13 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.  Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.

1 Ti 5:17-20 {NLT} Elders who do their work well should be respected and paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, "You must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain." And in another place, "Those who work deserve their pay!" 

In other words, it is the pastor’s job to “be up in your business.”  I have had many people call me “Pastor.” It was only lip service. They only listened till I crossed them or their family.  Listen, you need a pastor because it is his job to pull spiritually up in your driveway and sit in your living room and tell you the truth, like it or not.  You need to be thankful that someone takes the time and energy to not only love you, but correct you. In King David’s life the Prophet Nathan rebuked him for his adultery with Bathsheba but also supported him in everything he did after his repentance. You have no better friend than a pastor who you have listened to well.  I am a testimony that when I listen to my Pastor all went well in my life. 

I would not give you a penny for a man of God who would not tell people living in a burning building that their house was on fire.  If your doctor did an MRI and saw a large spot on your lung and said, “hey, this is nothing to worry about, let’s have lunch.”  I am sure you would say he does not care much for you.  So when a pastor sees you living in sin or sees danger ahead, do you want him to say nothing?  
I once heard of a man who had heart failure. The paramedics worked on him trying to get his heart started and broke every one of his ribs.  He revived and lives today. He stood with them in a picture smiling with a cast around his entire thoracic cavity {chest}.  He was not mad at them for breaking his ribs, he was glad he was alive!  Get the picture?  You may feel like your pastor is cranky, busting your chops and having a bad mood.  That is all possible, ask me how I know. Nonetheless, he is the oracle of God. God will use him in your life, if you listen to him. 

In our day, where the prophets are just greedy for personal gain and could care less for the sheep, we need real prophets who speak the truth in love and declare the word of God! We need men and women of God to stand up for what things are right. 

The pastor-prophet is not beyond sin himself, often God use prophets to correct the failing prophets.  It is just his job. It is not fun to have to confront people. Any pastor worth his salt will tell you the highest joy of their ministry is not being the prophet. We are all human and want to be loved and accepted. We do not want people to leave the church because they are mad.   But can we be silent about sin?  Can we be silent when people mock us and ridicule us? No, we must preach without fear of favor.

2 Ch 20:20 Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed." ESV