Have this assurance today that God's purposes cannot fail, that God's plans cannot miscarry, that God's will must be done. Cheer up disheartened friend! God is the only one that can bring the results so, just obey him. The way life weighs things out does not always seem very fair…but God is still in charge! Instead of becoming disheartened by what appears to be injustice, we can rejoice in knowing that our God is perfect and that His ways and timing are also perfect.” God has given me some great friends they have all given me words of encourage. I keep them when I need them, I read them again. Here are a few excerpts:
Dear Michael,
Here I go, for a second time. Hope this message doesn't vanish into thin air.
I have not read what the others have written in response, but I will once I send this. I wanted to write from my heart, and not be influenced by what others would write. I am sure that everyone was supportive.
I have not read what the others have written in response, but I will once I send this. I wanted to write from my heart, and not be influenced by what others would write. I am sure that everyone was supportive.
First - to admit weakness is a sign of strength. It shows wisdom, and maturity. I commend you for speaking out. Too many times we keep everything in - and wear the mask of perfection.
You are human, I am human. We feel - hurt, pain, joy, grief, sadness, stress, despair....
It is ok to feel. It helps us have empathy and compassion for others, for we have felt and can respond.
Second - you are overwhelmed. You have too much on your plate. I am not one that should address that, for I am almost always in overload. Home, church, husband, son, father, mentor, counselor, pastor, christian, friend, brother, teacher...
To do anything it takes so long, to do it right. It takes heart, soul, devotion, passion.
You are tired. It is ok.
You are human, I am human. We feel - hurt, pain, joy, grief, sadness, stress, despair....
It is ok to feel. It helps us have empathy and compassion for others, for we have felt and can respond.
Second - you are overwhelmed. You have too much on your plate. I am not one that should address that, for I am almost always in overload. Home, church, husband, son, father, mentor, counselor, pastor, christian, friend, brother, teacher...
To do anything it takes so long, to do it right. It takes heart, soul, devotion, passion.
You are tired. It is ok.
As far as the discouragement in your ministry.
I have noticed over the last couple of years a decline in the spiritual condition in the church in general. I observe my church first, then ask others, and see a pattern. Satan is doing his job well. The church has allowed him to dull their ears, blur their vision, draw their attention away, diminish the sense of service, devotion and holiness, and has diverted their monies into things of their own wants and desires, before their offerings and tithes. Just yesterday, after a long day of working on the church books, I was also feeling despair, discouragement. The funds have decrease; people no longer make church attendance a priority. If they do come they get bored, and if service goes to "long" they are upset, doesn't pastor know they want to go out for breakfast? UGH! They don't come for prayer times, or Bible Study, or on Sunday night. They don't come for clean up days, or anytime. Everything else is a bigger priority.
I have poured my heart, soul, blood, wallet, time, what little talent I have into the church for 25 plus years, yet it seems to be going backward instead of forward. Often I pray and ask God if it is me, to remove me, take me out of the equation so I am not a hindrance to its growth, but He keeps me here, so I don't think it is me. I truly believe it is the condition of the souls who come/don't come.
I think if people were honest, many, many, many feel just as you do.
I think if people were honest, many, many, many feel just as you do.
You are wise in sharing your need. I am sure none of whom you've shared your burden with will think less of you - if they do, then they are not worthy to be called your friend.
Michael, is there none in your congregation who will rally around you, be your Caleb and Joshua?
I pray that the Lord will supply you with some armor bearers in your ministry. Men and women of God who share your vision and passion for the ministry. Who are willing to put their needs aside in order to work with their pastor. To strengthen you for battle with their prayers, their encouragement and wisdom. That they would be willing to work, see things they can do to make your burden lighter. People that would come, with hearts ready to hear, eyes ready to see, and hand ready to serve. Hearts that are filled with love and can be moved with compassion. Souls that long to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
I pray that the Lord will supply you with some armor bearers in your ministry. Men and women of God who share your vision and passion for the ministry. Who are willing to put their needs aside in order to work with their pastor. To strengthen you for battle with their prayers, their encouragement and wisdom. That they would be willing to work, see things they can do to make your burden lighter. People that would come, with hearts ready to hear, eyes ready to see, and hand ready to serve. Hearts that are filled with love and can be moved with compassion. Souls that long to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Michael - you know you are in my prayers…. the end, it is truly all about love. Love of God, and love showed toward man, and to learn to love ourselves.
I pray for strength for you my brother. For joy to well up from the well within you, for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, and a new vision in the Word. I pray that you will find time to do all you need to and that you can learn what you've not been called to do, you'll be able to give up.
This isn't written as well as the first note, but sorry. My brain isn't functioning as well today - it was a strange Sunday morning at church - I feel like I have run a marathon....
I do know Michael that God has something special for you and your family - now is the time to continue to march forward - use the weapons of spiritual warfare you've been given. Don't allow the enemy to win.
Love and joy,
I pray for strength for you my brother. For joy to well up from the well within you, for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, and a new vision in the Word. I pray that you will find time to do all you need to and that you can learn what you've not been called to do, you'll be able to give up.
This isn't written as well as the first note, but sorry. My brain isn't functioning as well today - it was a strange Sunday morning at church - I feel like I have run a marathon....
I do know Michael that God has something special for you and your family - now is the time to continue to march forward - use the weapons of spiritual warfare you've been given. Don't allow the enemy to win.
Love and joy,
Tammy Shaw My dear brother in the Lord: My prayer is with you today! I pray a refreshing on you! It is not easy caring for your mother I know since I'm caring for my grandfather. It is like caring for a child but it is so different!!!! My heart is heavy for you today. Make sure you are feed too and know that you have many praying for you that you reach many even if you don't see all that you reach. Love & Prayers my friend,…You heart is pure as Gold…Just wanted you to know how important you are! You have a heart of gold and you would be the one that would do that! So, you are so important to God! Just keep that in your heart. Not many will! You are surely in my prayers! Keep pressing on towards the mark my brother! Love & Prayers your friend, Tammy
Lost respect for you? What? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Transparency among the ranks of the spiritually humble gives us our Elijah’s under his Juniper, our Paul’s "despairing of life" and our Master in His Gethsemane. Mike, you are not being negative in faith, nor whining nor even really complaining. Amidst your depths of pain you ask revealing questions that have no text-book answers. These same puzzling riddles have badgered every HONEST leader who ever lived. Your scenario demands dialogue although a simple checklist of "do this", "do that" is impossible as you well know. PERSONALLY, AFTER MY OWN 32 YEARS IN THIS, I SEE GENUINE BREAKTHROUGH AHEAD. Die and live...press and fight and bleed and cry and worship and vomit and smile and cry some more! You are ALREADY LIVING THE DREAM MY FRIEND! Pause, breathe, get away(I know...with what $$$?) and reflect WHILE AWAY WITH TRUSTED PEERS! I mean Generals of the faith who yet shoot it out from their trenches, not scribbling on some map from their plush offices! Mike, YOU ARE IN NO WAY A FAILURE! I LOVE YOU BUDDY! I'VE BEEN THERE MORE THAN ONCE so I can TRULY relate! I know it's a whirlwind experience but YOU ARE DESTINED...DESTINED TO WIN! Listen...one more swing...ONE...ONE...may do the job you KING, YOU! Swing baby Swing! Finally, if you can get away, come on up ok? MY FAMILY WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU GUYS and we'll talk in more detail later. Mike....SOLDIER...actually, FELLOW GENERAL...THAT'S AN ORDER! xo Al
Sara Hughes Whitney
Mike, first off let me address the ending of your words,,,, if anything you have gained my respect. You are showing that you are real, that you have fears like the rest of us. Sometimes we try so hard to portray ourselves as being outside the reach of these things, that we forget to ask others to hold us up. (I wish I could think of the scripture where it takes two other men to hold up his arms so that the army would prevail- I want to say Aaron, but my mind is failing me on it), but I know you will know who I mean. You cannot do it on your own and having others agree with you in prayer and hold you up when you can't hold yourself up, will go a long way to winning your battle. I'm standing beside you and holding up your arms (even though I can barely reach your arms LOL- sorry had to throw in some humor).... you never know who you are reaching, a lot of times we never know, but you are trying, you are doing all you can to reach out. I will be forever grateful for the time you were willing to drive to VA for me when our brother-in-law passed away..... how much more of a pastor's heart can you have? I'm praying Mikey,,,,, stand strong, stand tall. love you big guy
Lisa Rowe
Mike, I will be praying for you and the family. Don't give up keep pressing on.
Kim McKay White
This road I walk seems so long...I'm afraid to take another step - that step might be wrong...but within my heart I hear a song....it says keep going.... When I think I'm gonna die....I can drink from a well that I know ..will never run dry....and within my heart I hear a cry....It says Keep goin It's just a matter of time til we all get home....There's no need to turn around, you've got nothing to go back to Child your tired...take His hand....when they say you'll never make it just say "OH YES I can....My heavenly father put it in your plans...You've gotta keep goin' Many have quit before they reached the end; never realizing this road could be over just around the bend....I hear the song it's coming strong again...It says "keep goin' Someday soon we'll hear that trumpet sound...and when it does I know we'll be heaven bound; but until that day keep your feet on shoutin' ground...Keep goin'
It's just a matter of time til we all get home....There's no need to turn around, you've got nothing to go back to Child your tired...take His hand....when they say you'll never make it just say "OH YES I can....My heavenly father put it in your plans...You've gotta keep goin' Love you! and will be praying....
It's just a matter of time til we all get home....There's no need to turn around, you've got nothing to go back to Child your tired...take His hand....when they say you'll never make it just say "OH YES I can....My heavenly father put it in your plans...You've gotta keep goin' Love you! and will be praying....
Adam Ortiz
Mike, I feel for you and as you know will be part of those who pray with you during this time. Your words are words of many pastors, whether they have articulated them as well as you have this day or not. I'm sure you have heard many words of press on and be strong, which I ditto them... The only thing i'm going to remind you of, as I have to remind myself many times while pastoring a new work and a church that grows from 40 to 200 back to 50 to 100 to 45 etc... is
6. I REST MY BODY: Psalm 127:2 says, "It's vain for you to sit up late and rise up early."
7. I REORGANIZE MY WORK: Nehemiah did this when they were rebuilding the wall. When his people got discouraged half way through the project, he reorganized them by families, making specific assignments along the wall. This is an important truth to remember. Sometimes, when you're discouraged, it's not that you're doing the wrong thing; but rather that you're doing it in the wrong way. You don't need to quit the ministry. You just need to reorganize how you are going about it and learn some new skills. Try a fresh approach. Attack it from a different angle. Learn. Grow. Reorganize!
8. I REMEMBER THE LORD! Discouragement is an attitude and attitudes are always a choice. I get discouraged when I choose to think discouraging thoughts. But no one is forcing those thoughts on me. I can choose to focus on something else, (like God) if I want to.
9. I RESIST THE DEVIL: A great pastor once said, "If you don't get up in the morning and meet the devil, you're just headed the wrong way." We are in a spiritual battle, and the devil doesn't want the kingdom of God to advance. As a pastor, you're on the front line, so you're going to get hit. The devil will attack you with every kind of thing he can think of to discourage you. He is the accuser of the brethren and he would love to neutralize you with discouragement. James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil!" Don't give in without a fight!.
Rosie: Mike, I must ditto what everyone else said. You don't know how many times over the years I sang the song that Kim posted. Al, you are a wonderful partner to have because your words come from your own experiences and you are so transparent. Adam, preach it bro!
But here is my 2 cents for what it's worth. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the demands of life: home, heaven and the heathen that we forget the main reason we are all here. To worship HIM. Do like Al said, get away to be refreshed and restored but you can even do it in your closet. Surround yourself constantly, if necessary, with reminders of Who God is and Who He is to you! When you get that perspective back it diminishes the struggles and trials. The enemy is bombarding you with lies right now. Lies of worthlessness, failure, etc. Just remember that HE IS A LIAR. If you believe the lie, you empower the liar. So counter those lies with the TRUTH! The truth of God's word. What God says about Mike Gibney and what your dear friends have said about you here in this posting. The truth will set you free!
We do love you, we do stand with you, we do lift your arms in this battle and we do expect God to show up and breakthrough for you!
6. I REST MY BODY: Psalm 127:2 says, "It's vain for you to sit up late and rise up early."
7. I REORGANIZE MY WORK: Nehemiah did this when they were rebuilding the wall. When his people got discouraged half way through the project, he reorganized them by families, making specific assignments along the wall. This is an important truth to remember. Sometimes, when you're discouraged, it's not that you're doing the wrong thing; but rather that you're doing it in the wrong way. You don't need to quit the ministry. You just need to reorganize how you are going about it and learn some new skills. Try a fresh approach. Attack it from a different angle. Learn. Grow. Reorganize!
8. I REMEMBER THE LORD! Discouragement is an attitude and attitudes are always a choice. I get discouraged when I choose to think discouraging thoughts. But no one is forcing those thoughts on me. I can choose to focus on something else, (like God) if I want to.
9. I RESIST THE DEVIL: A great pastor once said, "If you don't get up in the morning and meet the devil, you're just headed the wrong way." We are in a spiritual battle, and the devil doesn't want the kingdom of God to advance. As a pastor, you're on the front line, so you're going to get hit. The devil will attack you with every kind of thing he can think of to discourage you. He is the accuser of the brethren and he would love to neutralize you with discouragement. James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil!" Don't give in without a fight!.
Rosie: Mike, I must ditto what everyone else said. You don't know how many times over the years I sang the song that Kim posted. Al, you are a wonderful partner to have because your words come from your own experiences and you are so transparent. Adam, preach it bro!
But here is my 2 cents for what it's worth. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the demands of life: home, heaven and the heathen that we forget the main reason we are all here. To worship HIM. Do like Al said, get away to be refreshed and restored but you can even do it in your closet. Surround yourself constantly, if necessary, with reminders of Who God is and Who He is to you! When you get that perspective back it diminishes the struggles and trials. The enemy is bombarding you with lies right now. Lies of worthlessness, failure, etc. Just remember that HE IS A LIAR. If you believe the lie, you empower the liar. So counter those lies with the TRUTH! The truth of God's word. What God says about Mike Gibney and what your dear friends have said about you here in this posting. The truth will set you free!
We do love you, we do stand with you, we do lift your arms in this battle and we do expect God to show up and breakthrough for you!
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