Jer 3:19-20 "Israel, I wanted to accept you as my child and give you a delightful land, the most beautiful land in all the world. I wanted you to call me father and never again turn away from me. But like an unfaithful wife, you have not been faithful to me. I, the Lord, have spoken." GNT
Philippians 4:3 Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. NIV
“The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.”
Rensis Likert quotes
Can you hear the heartache of God in Jeremiah about how he wants to bless his people but they constantly turned from him, how much he loved them and wanted them but they always looked somewhere else to get their needs met? They were not faithful!
On the other hand, how would you like to be called a loyal yokefellow by St. Paul? How would you like to be asked to help because he knows how faithful you are? The image here is that a man named Syzygus, whose name means yoke, was called that because like two oxen plowing in the field, he and Paul were yoked together. He worked hard with him and therefore was called LOYAL.
I want to tell a story that I came across years ago. You ladies out their listen up! A few years ago there was a husband and wife named Newgate and Casey. They were a lovely couple and were together a long time. Unfortunately, without much success she tried for years to get pregnant. Finally, it happened, she was expecting, and they were very happy. But, unfortunately, there were some complications in the pregnancy and they could not be as intimate they would have liked. She was in bed a lot and eventually had to spend some time in the hospital. The husband came to her and said, “Listen, you know I love you very much, but you are so far away from me. I am at home alone so much now, and I have needs. So, I have decided temporarily to find another woman that can meet my needs. Now, this is only temporary, and I really do not love this woman, but it satisfies me while you are going through this process. When the baby is born, I’ll be right back with you and only you. I hope you will understand.”
There is the real possibility that if he gets involved with this other woman, he will leave his God-ordained, covenant relationship. How would it make you feel if you spouse was having sex with someone else because they have justified its use in their minds as practical? Before you know it, he is bringing others over to this new woman to “enjoy” what he has. It is all very sordid, wrong and very sad. What would this woman be feeling as she lays sick and helpless in her bed?
So how do you feel about his story? Doesn’t this seem like a reasonable request?? I think I know the reaction most people would have. They most likely would say, “No way, that guy needs to remain faithful! How could he go out and justify committing adultery to”meet his needs.” He’s an idiot. Does he have any feelings? How can he say he loves his wife? Neanderthal! Probably several other explicatives!
What if your wife says to you, “I found someone else that is richer, has more to offer me and has a bigger house than we do. I am tired of struggling financially and doing all the work. I mean, over at my new man’s house they have maids and so many more people involved than we do here. You ought to see the entertainment center they have! The kids will all have something to do. I am tired of getting up early to clean and get ready. I am tired of you working so far away. I am leaving and going over there.”
This happens all the time. Is it right? People leave their families and spouses based on financial and convenience issues every day. The vows used to be for richer, poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse till death we do part. Now it’s it just when you’re richer, healthy, better and whatever benefits my life then I’ll think about staying. Many justify illicit relationships because my husband or wife does not talk to me, They don’t hug me, I need more affection. So off they go into bed with someone else. It used to be that endurance and longevity of married people was a standard of success. But there is one constant you have forgotten…YOU. If you do not change, why do you think the next relationship will be any better? The next job, spouse or church will meet with failure if you do not change. This is a two-edged sword. Now I am not condemning divorced people, but today I am trying to make a spiritual point.
Many times while churches go through the process what we call “getting pregnant with souls.” {See Isaiah 66:8-10}. This means we are seeing new people added to the church and new souls are being born into God’s family {John 3:3-5; 1 Peter 2:2; John 1:12; Eph 1:4} Sometimes in the process of gestation there are complications and challenges.
The church does not have all the programs and number of people that another church may have. The other church may have better music programs, more for youth, a larger staff and more people to fellowship with. But where did God call you? Where did God join you and his will and sovereignty? We have church meeting junkies. They have to get their needs met by going to another prayer meeting; program, Bible study and get intimate with someone else. You know, I love my church and there is no way I would go anywhere else. But before it’s over there is a breakup, divorce and many hurt people. Before you now it, you are bringing other people “to enjoy” what you are enjoying.
Sometime you will find that the grass is not greener on the other side? Erma Bombeck had a book years ago, “The grass is always greener over the septic tank.” It looks good, but there is a lot of, well, poop under the surface.
In the times where your church is struggling and trying to grow, stick with her. Be loyal, don’t go outside to other places to get your needs met. God will bless you! Remember only a personal relationship with God really satisfies. People can only do so much for us. Some of us are people junkies. We lack in our closeness to God and try to replace it with people. That is why a largerer church or “more friendly” church seems enticing. It is just the spirit of adultery that permeates our world manifesting in another form.
The fact is you are really hurting yourself. You are getting emotionally involved with something that will eventually bring confusion heartache and suffering.
Jeremiah 3:22… Return, all of you who have turned away from the Lord; he will heal you and make you faithful. GNT
Prov 19:22 That which is desired in a man is loyalty and kindness [and his glory and delight are his giving], but a poor man is better than a liar.
Pastor Mike
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