Friday, November 5, 2010

If I were in your shoes...

If I were in your shoes, I'd go straight to God

Job 5: 8-9 “If I were in your shoes, I'd go straight to God; I’d throw myself on the mercy of God.
After all, he's famous for great and unexpected acts; there's no end to his surprises.” MSG

Psalm 108:12-13” Give us help for the hard task; human help is worthless. In God we'll do our very best; he’ll flatten the opposition for good.” MSG

Many people say, “I feel bad to pray when I am in trouble. I don’t want to come to God in the hard times but not in the good times.” I know what you mean but hard times are designed to cause us to come to God. Why?

First, trouble causes us to see how much God loves and cares for us. When you are going through trials and people help you…don’t you feel loved? Don’t you feel special and cared for? It is like carrying a huge piece of furniture up the stairs trying to maneuver it with your wife. It’s not moving but someone comes along to help. You can feel how much lighter it is now. Sometimes God helps us to carry it. Sometimes he carries the whole load. It is in hard times we really see God’s love and care for us personally.

When we feel his peace and know there is a way out of this mess, when we believe God to turn things around, it is pleasing to him. What is incredulous is when people do not go to God in trouble. This shows their lack of faith. God loves to comfort us in our trials. He knows it will teach us to comfort others. When you see how much God loves you in trials, you will be so thankful that you will pray to him in good times as well. The good times are the answer you prayed for. Even if God does not remove the trial, he will give you peace in it to go through it.

Second, trouble helps us see our limitations. When you see you are limited, finite and even helpless you pray. We are limited in changing things. Uncontrollable circumstances, trials we caused by our own weakness. Sometimes we need a miracle. When you stand without a solution, God has the answer. God loves us to pray when we come to the end of our strength. It is in that very place of weakness we can see his power. When we pray we are telling God we cannot do this anymore and we need his help. When we are dependent, trusting and clinging to him for help, that is true faith. Anyone can have faith in good times. It is those who pray in the hard times that show real strength coming from Christ.

Third, Christ our example prayed in hard times. The Bible says, “While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings with a loud cry and tears, to the one who could rescue him from death. And God heard his prayers because of his deep reverence for God. Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. {Hebrews 5:7-8 NLT} Hard times make us like Christ and teach us to be obedient. We need strength to get through these tests.

If I were in your shoes, I’d pray! I’d look for God to do surprising things. Human help is worthless compared to God’s. God will not only help you do your best, he will crush the things trying to crush you. He wants to bring into control those things that are out of control.

Your Pastor, Mike Gibney

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