Monday, November 29, 2010

10 Ways of Worshiping Without Music

Worship isn't just a part of your life – it's everything you do!

Worship means "You Were Made for God’s Pleasure," worship through music is only a small portion of what true, biblical worship is all about. Worship is the process of surrendering our entire life into God’s hands. Everything we do can – and should – be an act of worship.

How do we apply that to our life? God designed us to worship him with our whole lives. Are there actually spiritual habits that we can build into our lives that help us to worship God more deeply? YES! Here are 10 habits than can help build worship into your life on a daily basis.

1. Worship through prayer. We often miss this important component of our prayer life. Think about the issues you usually pray about. How much of our prayer life is about us and how much of it is about God? Without a doubt God wants us to be able to share everything that is going on in our life. He wants us to get to know him better.

When we affirm who God is through our prayers, we put our prayer life in proper perspective. That’s exactly how Jesus taught us to pray. Look at the Lord’s Prayer in the Gospel of Mathew (6: 9-13) where Jesus starts the prayer off by saying “Our Father who is in Heaven, May Your name be honored.” (NLT) Jesus teaches us an important lesson with this prayer. Prayer starts with God. Consider including in your prayers a time of focused attention on God alone and who he is.

2. Get in a regular habit of reading the Bible. The Bible says that we worship God in “spirit and in truth.” How can we ever worship God without a clear understanding of who he is? The truth about God is essential to worship. Pay special attention to the book of Psalms. No book in the Bible spends as much time carefully describing who God is.

3. Obey God. We worship God when we obey him. We all need to build the habit of obedience into our lives. Take practical steps to see that this is a part of your life. Whenever you sense God is speaking to you, make it a regular practice to do it immediately. Don’t let procrastination weigh you down. If you can’t do it immediately, write down whatever God has been putting on your heart, so that you can do it SOON!

4. Tithe. If you want to know what in your life you worship, look at your checkbook register. The Bible teaches us this important lesson: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Mathew 6:21 NIV) God wants us to surrender our entire being to him. One way to show that is by making him Lord of our pocketbook. If you are already a committed tither, consider raising the percentage you are willing to give.

5. Build deep relationships with other Christians. During the third section of 40 Days of Purpose, Pastor Rick will be explaining how you are “Formed for God’s Family.” The Bible teaches that God designed us to live in community with other Christians. We bring God pleasure by getting to know others and being known by them. Here at Saddleback, the primary way we do this is through small groups.

6. Share your faith. John Piper made many of us re-look at why we share our faith when he wrote a few years ago: “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” God wants every person on the planet to worship him, not because he is an egomaniac who needs our praise, but because worship is how we are designed by God. He wants the best for us.

Take time this week to share your spiritual journey with someone else. Tell them how you came to faith in Christ. Don’t worry about their response. Relax in the knowledge that you are playing a part in expanding God’s worldwide worship.

7. Serve others. Jesus tells us that “when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did to me!” (Matthew 25:40 NLT) When we serve one another, Jesus tells us we are really serving him. If you don’t think you have any gifts that are useful to serve, you are wrong. God made you with talents and gifts that He specifically gave you to serve others.

8. Build into your life the attitude of thankfulness. This requires looking at the world through a different set of eyes. When we look through the lens of thankfulness, we see our lives – and everything in it – as gifts from God. Develop your own spiritual exercise each morning that demonstrates that you are putting on your lens of thankfulness. Then begin to thank God for all of the good things in your life.

9. Begin turning over to God areas of your life that you have never committed to him. This is the heart of worship – surrender. God won’t settle for 90 percent of your life; he wants all of it. You might have been a follower of Jesus for years, but you still have areas of your life that you are holding back from him. What are those areas? Only you know that. Two good places to look are your checkbook and your planner. Look at the areas of your life where you spend the most money and the most time. Do they honor God?

If you are human, you have sin in your life that you need to surrender. Think back over the past month and write down all of the times you remember disobeying clear teaching from God. Then look for patterns. If you find patters of sin in your life, these are areas of your life you need to surrender to God. Right at the moment start praying for God to help you overcome that sin. Ask your small group to pray for you. If you think this chronic sin might be something you can’t stop doing, ask for help

10.  Live a life of purpose. God has a reason for your existence. In fact, He has five: fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism and worship. You please God when you live in step with His purposes. God doesn’t want you to waste your life. To continue to grow in God’s five purposes, join one of our small groups.

You were designed for God’s pleasure. The purpose of worship is the foundation of the other four purposes. Fellowship without the spirit of worship is just “hanging out.” Discipleship without worship is nothing but a fruitless mental exercise. Ministry without worship is called “spinning your wheels.” Evangelism without worship is a misplaced sales pitch.

Worship isn’t simply one area of your life; it is your life. Start right this moment by surrendering your life to God. Then spend the rest of your life learning to worship him more fully.

{“10 Ways of Worshiping Without Music”, by Tobin Perry,  Copyright 2002 used with permission.}

Open Letter to FST written in the summer 2010 {Faith School of Theology} upated

The question was posed by a great man of God on Face Book who asked of his friends, “are you from FAITH SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY? Wasn't your school years POWERFUL IN THE LORD?!!!... I remember the times we went to Chapel in the early morning and just praised the Lord until all the classes were out and before you knew what had happened it was lunch time! The time just went by in the presence of the Lord.... 1,000 Yrs in the Presence of the Lord will be just like one day.”
 When I read this I felt the pen of the Lord in my hand for a moment.

With Adam who is a great friend and ally I can concur, yes, these were powerful times. I loved the late night prayers, crusades and chapel. The bible teaching produced numerous brilliant men and women of God for ministry. I love the school. But I cannot ignore the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room. I am also not saying Adam is ignoring it. I just really like using that expression.

I want to say this with love with love and respect and concern for FST and its effect. Where were the teachings on grace? I mean not just an honorable mention but a central place in the message. Legalism, the ignored sin {which is the greatest sin mentioned in the New Testament} was expressed seemingly as true Christianity. Standards of dress and conduct were lifted as a foundation that would eventually fail, cracking under the strain of real life, ministry and relationships. Many women were told they not go in the rapture if the wore pants and any other accouterments. A time warp of Pentecostal heritage was introduced as the answer to the future, it wasn’t.
 Marriage was not lifted up as much as divorced condemned. Where was the instruction on good marriages, finances and simply what do if your life falls apart? Living by faith does not mean living without a plan. . It was communicated to many of us if we were divorced might as well give up on any hope of eternity much less ministry. Once in conversation with a leader at FST he alluded to me that one of my class members, who died divorced, did not make it to heaven. Incredible! You say, the bible says “God hates divorce, true, but why? Is it just because it’s a rule or because of the damage it causes. Is not his heart there to help the hurting as well as trying to avoid the hurt? But the breakup happened, now what? Must these people live in constant condemnation? I am not throwing out the bible God forbid! But why are we laying a yoke of bondage on each other that no one has able to bear? Some who are divorced, hurting and disappointed feel they are now useless and disqualified. 

But isn’t it true if one of our FST family falls to the ground we should all feel the pain on our knees?  
With tears I say too many litter the shores of FST who feel like they have no purpose because they are no longer in ministry. Ministry was more made an idol, instead of that the avenue of God’s gracious hand reaching to sinners. Even much more it is a path of redemption for those who fail among us. Hold to the old path they said but it was just a road of thorns a way that no one would be justified.
I am not here to play pin the blame on the school teacher.  Our teachers communicate whet they were taught as well sometime to their own chagrin.  From what I have heard and seen many of our teachers they were as damaged as we were. 

Many who have face ministry in real life have confronted what Jesus when he said, “I am sending you as sheep among wolves.” I just wish we were aware of how many wolves filled the churches where we were sent.  I have met church people and Pastors alike the sound of howling was heard instead of bleating.   I have personally seen some of FST devoured by churches mutilated emotionally. Should not FST be a home the can come to for respite, understanding and a kind voice that says you can make it. Let’s try again!
My past FST experiences were mixed but mostly good occurrences.  Yet I am very aware that I have not faced what some have had to confront.  So I have resolved to help “bear one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  Lift up the hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees.  Let’s help those whether they have fallen or simply were knocked down.

Please, don’t accuse me of being a bitter Student. I really am not. I followed hard and added to the teachings of legalistic Pentecostalism.  In fact, I followed the road of what I was taught down the road of legalism, up the hill of Sinai. At the end I found that I stood on hell’s precipice, when the message of grace, when Jesus rescued me from my own self righteousness.

Thankfully, even FST is learning, ah, the beauty of acceptance and restoration.  I am pleased with many of the changes. I thank God for the leadership of FST now and their great compassion. I realize we cannot correct people’s mistakes, avert past injury or remove past error.  But, we can be there to pour in the wine and oil for those of us that came from worshiping at Jerusalem only to fall among thieves on the road to Jericho.
 Forgive my candor! Isn’t it time for restoration, healing, hope and help to be offered to those who need it.
I am thankful for the million- dollar offering for the school and rejoiced with them.  Maybe this is a given but please understand that no amount of money should be taken as a sign of God’s approval but of his grace.  Grace is undeserved, given when we least deserve it and who is every worthy of God’s blessings?  
I wish one thing: that someone in leadership would ease the pain of some by the words "forgive me, I'm sorry" They are so powerful and full of redemption. Even if they did it in proxy it would be great.

Matthew 5:24 (The Message) says, "This is I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.

Offenses are sometimes real, sometimes perceived. But though we all must forgive on our own before God, It sure helps to hear a sincere "I'm so sorry you are hurt!"

So I'll start....I ask forgiveness from anyone that was offended by a teaching, lack of acceptance and any unjust action from a man, pastor, teacher, father, husband or brother. I ask you to forgive me and I am so sorry for the wrongs that were caused perceived or real. It was not your fault. I take the blame. Release me from hurt in your heart and mind. I love you and accept you! You are precious to me and I do not want to lose your friendship and fellowship. In Jesus name

What should we do?

1. Forgive the injuries we were caused by the teaching we heard.
2. Proactively reach out to our brothers and sisters who are hurting
3. See our place as one who accept and loves not condemns. Jesus the one who could have condemned said he came to save. Sure we need to instruct and correct one another. But I receive correction much better from someone I know will love and respect me no matter what I’ve done
4. Try to make times to get together where we can make things right. Fellowship and have some sort of reconciliation time.

Humbly submitted in much love in Jesus,
Mike Gibney

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. NIV

Gratitude goes beyond the 'mine' and 'thine' and claims the truth that all of life is a pure gift. In the past I always thought of gratitude as a spontaneous response to the awareness of gifts received, but now I realize that gratitude can also be lived as a discipline. The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy. Henri J. M. Nouwen

When Paul uses the word "prayer" The word carries the meaning of close, up-front, intimate contact with someone else. A face to face contact!  The inherent in this word is the idea of an exchange—giving something to God in exchange for something wanted or desired. So instead of carrying your worries and burdens, you are to take the first step Paul gives you in moving from a place of turmoil to peace: Come close to the Lord in prayer. Once you are in that intimate, face-to-face place with God, take that opportunity to give Him your worries, fears, and concerns. Then ask the Lord to give you something back in exchange for the worries you have given Him—ask Him for peace! When you give God your problems, in return He gives you His peace.

The word "thanksgiving" that Paul uses in this verse is the Greek word eucharistia, This compound word describes an outpouring of grace and of wonderful feelings that freely flow from the heart in response to someone or something.

By using this word, Paul teaches us that when we earnestly ask God to do something special for us, we must match it with an earnest outpouring of thanks. Although the request has only just been made and the manifestation isn't evident yet, it is appropriate to thank God for doing what we have requested. Thanking Him in advance demonstrates faith.

So always make sure to follow up your earnest asking with earnest thanksgiving! Make it a goal to be just as passionate in your thanksgiving as you were when you made your request.

Don't worry about anything—and that means nothing at all! Instead, come before God and give Him the things that concern you so He can in exchange give you what you need or desire. Be bold to strongly, passionately, and fervently make your request known to God, making certain that an equal measure of thanksgiving goes along with your strong asking. You have every right to ask boldly, so go ahead and insist that God meet your need. When you pray, be so bold that there is no doubt your prayer was heard. Broadcast it! Declare it! Pray boldly until you have the assurance that God has heard your request!" {SGG}

Prayer and Confession

Lord, I thank You for allowing me to come boldly before You in prayer. I know that You love me and want to richly meet the needs I am facing in my life today. My temptation is to worry and fear, but I know that if I will trust You, everything I am concerned about will turn out all right. Right now I reject the temptation to worry, and I choose to come before You to boldly make my requests known. By faith I thank You in advance for acting to answer my requests!

I confess that I am not ruled by worry, fear, or concerns. I go to God with those things that are on my heart, and I clearly articulate what I feel, what I need, and what I expect Heaven to do on my behalf. Because of the promises in God's Word, I know exactly how to boldly make my requests. I always match my requests with thanksgiving letting God know how grateful I am for everything He does in my life. Heaven is on my side; therefore, I know I will survive and victoriously overcome each and every attack that ever tries to come against my family, my relationships, my business, my finances, and my life. I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!

 Source: Sparkling Gems in the Greek

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A personal experience with God makes a difference

Hosea 4:1-2 HEAR THE word of the Lord, you children of Israel, for the Lord has a controversy (a pleading contention) with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness, love, pity and mercy, or knowledge of God [from personal experience with Him] in the land.  There is nothing but [false] swearing and breaking faith and killing and stealing and committing adultery; they break out [into violence], one [deed of] bloodshed following close on another. AMP

Hosea 4:1-3 Attention all Israelites! God's Message! God indicts the whole population:"No one is faithful. No one loves. No one knows the first thing about God. 2 All this cussing and lying and killing, theft and loose sex, sheer anarchy, one murder after another!  {Message version} 

"The more we love God the more we will obey. The more we obey the more we will be aware of the reality of Christ in our lives. The more we are aware of Christ in our lives, the more victory we will experience. The more victory we experience, the less difficult the choices are and the less conflict we have within ourselves." ~ Norma Becker

Tough scripture, if you read on in that chapter it gets even tougher.    In the scripture it uses the phrase “personal experience with him. “ That jumps out at me.  I think if we read between the lines we can see that if we have a personal experience e with God it brings a great change.  Notice it is not a religious experience or emotional experience you have once a week in a church service.  I am overwhelmed at times of people who pray, come to church and are never changed.   I am not talking about perfection but a consistent forward motion of change in their life. Are we so content as not to have a desire to get to know God more?  We put so much energy into our job, family activities and “things.” I wonder if we put energy into knowing God reading his word, prayer and gathering with his people as the greatest priority of our lives. What would happen?  I know you are shaking your head in an agreement with me. But will you go away unchanged like the rich young ruler.  He agreed obedience was important, except when it got too personal and demanded an intimate experience. When he was confronted with giving his all to Christ he could not. Luke 18:23, “And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich.”

Luke 21:34-36  "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth.  Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

Let me overstate the obvious. In Hosea it says because God’s people did not have a personal experience with him they were bereft of faithfulness, love, pity, mercy, and a proper knowledge God.  As a result they cursed, could not keep their promises, were violent and committed adultery.
So, if we look at this in the positive way to really please God is to be close to him. Then we will not commit these kinds of actions.  You see if we draw close to God we become like him. When we draw away from him we are prone to sin. 

When we are exposed to God’s love, pity, mercy and faithfulness we will in kind be transformed. Scripture teaches when we are in God’s presence and have personal relationship with him we are changed and become like him.  When we take off the masks and shed our selves of hypocrisy something happens. It says in 2 Co 3:18, “… our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him. “ {Message Version}

Who has ever left God’s presence unchanged?  People like Abraham, Moses, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Mary, Elizabeth, Peter and Paul did not remain untouched but were impacted for eternity by an encounter with God.

1 Jn 2:13; 15-17…dear children: You know the Father from personal experience…. Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father.  Practically everything that goes on in the world — wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important — has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out — but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.

Let’s get to know Christ and let our lives show the difference.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

Pastor Mike