Can loneliness really have a purpose?
Genesis 2:18 Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." ESV
What is a friend? Everyone says they want one or two friends. But are we willing to do the hard work of friendship? We need friends. God knows this and made us to feel the loneliness. What? Yes, think of it. When God made Adam, he gave him everything he needed. He had God and he had his work. Before the fall of man the Garden of Eden was a good, innocent, sinless and complete environment. But even in that pristine environment, loneliness was present. God had proclaimed everything to be good, but one thing. In Genesis 2:18, the need is recognized and, “God said, "It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion." THE MESSAGE:
Loneliness not good?
Loneliness is not a sin; it is a God given desire to seek out others. God allows us to face lonesomeness. Why? So he can provide, make and form friendships for us.
There is much to be said about Adam. It seems his work and even the most agreeable of work environments was not enough to satisfy him. That still stands true today. When we observe those that are “lost in their work” and have immersed themselves in their occupation thinking it will satisfy them, we pity them. The words “getting lost” and “immersed” are interesting expressions. “Lost” sounds like they have no direction and “immersed” like they are drowning. No, only God given relationships will satisfy us because God made us that way.
At the risk of sounding blasphemous, not even God was enough. I mean, think about it. He had God visiting him every day and enjoyed indescribable communion with his maker, but it was not enough. God had put that desire within him for someone else. I think it can be proven God created us for community and to love someone. Employment, careers and corporate success is not bad. God made us to work, but it will never replace good relationships.
Ali Javan and Iranian born American Inventor and physicist in MIT, invented the first type of laser was Gas Laser (which is being widely used in medical systems & industry).
We hear about DVD, CD, Laser eye surgery, etc. or use them every day. Without a doubt Laser has been one of the greatest scientific inventions. Surely a man like this could be satisfied with such a great invention. However listen to Javan’s heart when he says this, “I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”
His work and inventions obviously were not enough. His desire to have a meaningful relationship with just one person was more valuable than his career.
Friend me: Social networking has changed the definition of friend. If I have a thousand FB friends does that give me importance? There are no such things as one click relationships. A real friend is someone who is present in your life. They give their time, share your hurts and feel your aches. Social networking is great...but it may not be friendship. [Chosen thoughts from "Love at Last Sight" Terry Shock}
Social networking, texting, and email are poor replacements for real friendship. They take away personal interactions. It is easy to tell someone off when you sit behind the screen of your computer. But you heart is softer and so are your words when they are right in front of you. Just a side note: Texting and email are great for information but lousy for confrontation. There are things we would say in emails and blogs that we would never say to someone face to face.
Real friendships will cost you something. If you are afraid to pay the price you are doomed to a long, painful existence of loneliness. Relationship with God and people is everything. A person who invests in them will reap great benefits.
Essential relationships need to be focused on, protected and maintained. When God created this first relationship he obviously had taught Adam to work. Adam was a farmer and knew that everything God made need to be tended and cultivated. When God made Adam and Eve neither one was ashamed of their nakedness. That speaks to me that they were not hiding anything from each other. They were transparent and totally accepting of each other. Adam basically said you are a part of me and I am a part of you. God proclaimed that Adam and Eve would leave parents and pay the price for the intimacy they share. The cost of great relationships always requires sacrifice.
Yet, in the process of time, Adam allowed his wife to be distant enough that he let her talk to the devil. The devil offered her wisdom, value and enjoyment that she should have already been experiencing with God and Adam. Adam was passive and because of it lost not only intimacy with his wife but with his God. Eve was not satisfied with what she already had. Think of it, the world is in the mess that it is in today because Adam did not value the relationship he had with this wife.
Most people have at any one moment three relationships that trouble them. Your mother called but you have not returned her call. You son/daughter has been distant, missing, not physically but emotionally. You want to reach out but he or she pushes back. Your friend needs your attention but you have avoided her. There are meaningful key relationships in your life right now that need your attention. You are so seemingly wise in your business, theology and life. You seem like such a success but have you showing wisdom in doing the hard work of relationships?
James 3:17-18 (Message) “Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.”
God has allowed you to be lonely to seek others out. Remember God made us and created us with this desire. Otherwise everyone would be isolated, selfish and alone. Loneliness causes us to seek our our creator. When we find him he causes us to seek others out. Jesus came looking for us. He expects us to look for others.
Lk 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
Eze 34:16 I'll go after the lost, I'll collect the strays, I'll doctor the injured, I'll build up the weak ones and oversee the strong ones so they're not exploited. {Message}
1 Th 5:15-16 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. ESV
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