Snake bit? {Shake it off}
Acts 28:1-6 Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, "This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live." But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.” NIV
Snakebite is a terrifying thought.
45,000 people are bitten by snakes in the U.S. per year. There are fatal and non-fatal bites but hardly any bites leave the person totally unharmed. But that is not the kind of snakebite I am talking about today.
Sometimes in the midst of helping people and even doing “the right thing” you get snake bit. Is there anyone out there who has tried to help build a fire? Get people motivated? Increase the desire for spiritual things? Then for your reward, receive two fangs in your hand? The psalmist says it well, “Lord, save me from people who are evil. Protect me from those who are cruel, from those who plan to do evil and always cause trouble. Their words are as harmful as the fangs of a snake, as deadly as its venom.” {Psalm 140:1-3 ERV}
The Apostle Paul was just shipwrecked. He had tried to warn the people this disaster was coming while on the vessel. They did not listen, so he ended up shipwrecked with them on the Island of Malta. Even visionary leaders suffer with people who do not listen. Take the example of Moses, Joshua and Caleb. These were men of faith, called by God to lead. Yet because of Israel’s disobedience and lack of faith, these men ended up wandering the desert with them for 40 years all the same.
Here the Apostle Paul saw it was cold and raining. He’s cold and wet, they’re cold and wet. I like Paul because was not beyond doing menial tasks. Getting out here to help people and working was his Modus operandi. The Bible tells us while he was working; a snake came out of the wood pile. It was driven out by the heat of the fire. It bit Paul on the hand and he shook it into the fire. Paul is trying to help and for his payment he gets bitten by a snake.
My word is a fire and people are wood.
Jer 5:14 “Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of hosts: "Because you have spoken this word, behold, I am making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people wood, and the fire shall consume them.”
As a Pastor this scripture speaks to me. We are trying to get things warmed up. I am trying to build a fire of excitement and spiritual growth. The Bible says people are wood and God’s word is a fire. God want to set his people on fire with fervor and love. But as we build fires we find out there are some wood colored snakes in the pile. Things get heated up and some people manifest what they really are snakes not sheep. But snakes are combustible as well as wood, though it might cause a stink.
Different breeds of snakes
There are all kinds of snakes. But I am not concerned these legless lizards, but the ones with two legs. Jesus and John the Baptist called certain of the Pharisees and religious people of their day snakes. The scripture speaks of wicked people “having the poison of snakes under their tongues.” Even more concerning is the enemy, the devil who in several passages in scripture is called a serpent. He came in the form of a serpent in Genesis chapter three and in Revelation 20:2 is identified as “that old serpent.” The devil will try to fill us with venom of bitterness in the midst of working for God and helping people. The devil is an expert at slander, deceit and lying. He has a wide choice of people he likes to use. When you help people, do not expect for the devil to lie down and do nothing. You just got your face put on the most wanted list in every Post Office in hell. But that is a good thing. You are a threat to the enemy’s work of destroying peoples’ lives. Everything you give, do and say to encourage and help people launches salvos into hell.
I want to encourage you today! It is not unusual that while you are trying to build a spiritual fire for people that you get snake bit. People you serve can be unpredictable. It is funny to me the reaction of the inhabitants of Malta in the book of Acts over Paul’s snakebite. At first they thought he must be a murderer because he was bitten. Yeah, he deserved to get bit. He was a poser they thought. But Paul miraculously did not die from the bite. So then the people said he was a god. Isn’t it strange how people react to your help? You go from being identified as a big help to a big problem or vice-versa. You are trying to help them and while you do, you get injured. They stand back and look at you and say, “Well if you were so good why you are going through this? People are fickle. Don’t exclude yourself! We have all either been bitten or done some biting ourselves.
Two kinds of venom
Poisonous words: Mt 12:34-37, “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
People often bite us with their words. It says in James that the “tongue is full of poison.” People when they slander, curse, mock and defame character place their fangs in deep. All you were doing was trying to help them. Fortunately, many of these injuries are non-fatal. But if you do not deal with it quickly it can get infected. So make sure you have the anti-venom of forgiveness with you at all times.
Mistakes and sins: Sometime while working for God and people, you fail. You get into a place where you get snakebite because you where not careful. You got tired and got angry. You did not keep in check your lust and end up a voyeur on the internet. The old timers used to say, “While you’re working for the Lord, don’t forget the Lord of the work.” Do not let your relationship with God suffer. Do not get into a place where the devil can oppress you and try to destroy. Remember he’s a snake. He hides under rock and is subtle. He bites you when you least expect it.
Shake it off:
When people try to discourage you with their words, shake it off. When the enemy tries to torment you for doing right, shake it off. Shake it off! When you sin, self-blame and beating yourself will not help you to stop. It makes it worse. Trying to defend yourself or counteract gossip is rarely worth the time. Let the Lord be your defender. Shake it off and move on. Do not let one incident define your whole ministry. Do not let one error in judgment or blunder stymie you success. The fire was built. A fire to consume errors, build hope and give warmth to those around it. Maybe God let Paul build a fire for others that he would need for himself. Shake off that snake!
God will heal your wounds and use you despite of people. If you read the rest of this story Paul was famous after this incident. He was used by God to bring healing to the chief of the Island. Sometimes God use our snakebite to position us in a place where he can use us in a greater way. The chief was snakebite by sickness. Paul already knew the cure: Prayer! So he helped the Chief shake it off. Learn this lesson so you too can help others to shake it off.
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