The question was posed by a great man of God on Face Book who asked of his friends, “are you from FAITH SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY? Wasn't your school years POWERFUL IN THE LORD?!!!... I remember the times we went to Chapel in the early morning and just praised the Lord until all the classes were out and before you knew what had happened it was lunch time! The time just went by in the presence of the Lord.... 1,000 Yrs in the Presence of the Lord will be just like one day.”
When I read this I felt the pen of the Lord in my hand for a moment.
With Adam who is a great friend and ally I can concur, yes, these were powerful times. I loved the late night prayers, crusades and chapel. The bible teaching produced numerous brilliant men and women of God for ministry. I love the school. But I cannot ignore the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room. I am also not saying Adam is ignoring it. I just really like using that expression.
With Adam who is a great friend and ally I can concur, yes, these were powerful times. I loved the late night prayers, crusades and chapel. The bible teaching produced numerous brilliant men and women of God for ministry. I love the school. But I cannot ignore the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room. I am also not saying Adam is ignoring it. I just really like using that expression.
I want to say this with love with love and respect and concern for FST and its effect. Where were the teachings on grace? I mean not just an honorable mention but a central place in the message. Legalism, the ignored sin {which is the greatest sin mentioned in the New Testament} was expressed seemingly as true Christianity. Standards of dress and conduct were lifted as a foundation that would eventually fail, cracking under the strain of real life, ministry and relationships. Many women were told they not go in the rapture if the wore pants and any other accouterments. A time warp of Pentecostal heritage was introduced as the answer to the future, it wasn’t.
Marriage was not lifted up as much as divorced condemned. Where was the instruction on good marriages, finances and simply what do if your life falls apart? Living by faith does not mean living without a plan. . It was communicated to many of us if we were divorced might as well give up on any hope of eternity much less ministry. Once in conversation with a leader at FST he alluded to me that one of my class members, who died divorced, did not make it to heaven. Incredible! You say, the bible says “God hates divorce, true, but why? Is it just because it’s a rule or because of the damage it causes. Is not his heart there to help the hurting as well as trying to avoid the hurt? But the breakup happened, now what? Must these people live in constant condemnation? I am not throwing out the bible God forbid! But why are we laying a yoke of bondage on each other that no one has able to bear? Some who are divorced, hurting and disappointed feel they are now useless and disqualified.
But isn’t it true if one of our FST family falls to the ground we should all feel the pain on our knees?
With tears I say too many litter the shores of FST who feel like they have no purpose because they are no longer in ministry. Ministry was more made an idol, instead of that the avenue of God’s gracious hand reaching to sinners. Even much more it is a path of redemption for those who fail among us. Hold to the old path they said but it was just a road of thorns a way that no one would be justified.
I am not here to play pin the blame on the school teacher. Our teachers communicate whet they were taught as well sometime to their own chagrin. From what I have heard and seen many of our teachers they were as damaged as we were.
With tears I say too many litter the shores of FST who feel like they have no purpose because they are no longer in ministry. Ministry was more made an idol, instead of that the avenue of God’s gracious hand reaching to sinners. Even much more it is a path of redemption for those who fail among us. Hold to the old path they said but it was just a road of thorns a way that no one would be justified.
I am not here to play pin the blame on the school teacher. Our teachers communicate whet they were taught as well sometime to their own chagrin. From what I have heard and seen many of our teachers they were as damaged as we were.
Many who have face ministry in real life have confronted what Jesus when he said, “I am sending you as sheep among wolves.” I just wish we were aware of how many wolves filled the churches where we were sent. I have met church people and Pastors alike the sound of howling was heard instead of bleating. I have personally seen some of FST devoured by churches mutilated emotionally. Should not FST be a home the can come to for respite, understanding and a kind voice that says you can make it. Let’s try again!
My past FST experiences were mixed but mostly good occurrences. Yet I am very aware that I have not faced what some have had to confront. So I have resolved to help “bear one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Lift up the hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees. Let’s help those whether they have fallen or simply were knocked down.
Please, don’t accuse me of being a bitter Student. I really am not. I followed hard and added to the teachings of legalistic Pentecostalism. In fact, I followed the road of what I was taught down the road of legalism, up the hill of Sinai. At the end I found that I stood on hell’s precipice, when the message of grace, when Jesus rescued me from my own self righteousness.
Thankfully, even FST is learning, ah, the beauty of acceptance and restoration. I am pleased with many of the changes. I thank God for the leadership of FST now and their great compassion. I realize we cannot correct people’s mistakes, avert past injury or remove past error. But, we can be there to pour in the wine and oil for those of us that came from worshiping at Jerusalem only to fall among thieves on the road to Jericho.
Thankfully, even FST is learning, ah, the beauty of acceptance and restoration. I am pleased with many of the changes. I thank God for the leadership of FST now and their great compassion. I realize we cannot correct people’s mistakes, avert past injury or remove past error. But, we can be there to pour in the wine and oil for those of us that came from worshiping at Jerusalem only to fall among thieves on the road to Jericho.
Forgive my candor! Isn’t it time for restoration, healing, hope and help to be offered to those who need it.
I am thankful for the million- dollar offering for the school and rejoiced with them. Maybe this is a given but please understand that no amount of money should be taken as a sign of God’s approval but of his grace. Grace is undeserved, given when we least deserve it and who is every worthy of God’s blessings?
I wish one thing: that someone in leadership would ease the pain of some by the words "forgive me, I'm sorry" They are so powerful and full of redemption. Even if they did it in proxy it would be great.
Matthew 5:24 (The Message) says, "This is I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.
Offenses are sometimes real, sometimes perceived. But though we all must forgive on our own before God, It sure helps to hear a sincere "I'm so sorry you are hurt!"
So I'll start....I ask forgiveness from anyone that was offended by a teaching, lack of acceptance and any unjust action from a man, pastor, teacher, father, husband or brother. I ask you to forgive me and I am so sorry for the wrongs that were caused perceived or real. It was not your fault. I take the blame. Release me from hurt in your heart and mind. I love you and accept you! You are precious to me and I do not want to lose your friendship and fellowship. In Jesus name
I wish one thing: that someone in leadership would ease the pain of some by the words "forgive me, I'm sorry" They are so powerful and full of redemption. Even if they did it in proxy it would be great.
Matthew 5:24 (The Message) says, "This is I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.
Offenses are sometimes real, sometimes perceived. But though we all must forgive on our own before God, It sure helps to hear a sincere "I'm so sorry you are hurt!"
So I'll start....I ask forgiveness from anyone that was offended by a teaching, lack of acceptance and any unjust action from a man, pastor, teacher, father, husband or brother. I ask you to forgive me and I am so sorry for the wrongs that were caused perceived or real. It was not your fault. I take the blame. Release me from hurt in your heart and mind. I love you and accept you! You are precious to me and I do not want to lose your friendship and fellowship. In Jesus name
What should we do?
1. Forgive the injuries we were caused by the teaching we heard.
2. Proactively reach out to our brothers and sisters who are hurting
3. See our place as one who accept and loves not condemns. Jesus the one who could have condemned said he came to save. Sure we need to instruct and correct one another. But I receive correction much better from someone I know will love and respect me no matter what I’ve done
4. Try to make times to get together where we can make things right. Fellowship and have some sort of reconciliation time.
Humbly submitted in much love in Jesus,
Mike Gibney
1. Forgive the injuries we were caused by the teaching we heard.
2. Proactively reach out to our brothers and sisters who are hurting
3. See our place as one who accept and loves not condemns. Jesus the one who could have condemned said he came to save. Sure we need to instruct and correct one another. But I receive correction much better from someone I know will love and respect me no matter what I’ve done
4. Try to make times to get together where we can make things right. Fellowship and have some sort of reconciliation time.
Humbly submitted in much love in Jesus,
Mike Gibney
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